St Patrick’s Testimony Pamphlet

Cross with title, St Patrick's Testimony

We believe that for Revival to come in Ireland it is key that bridges are built between what the Holy Spirit is doing in the historic churches and what the Holy Spirit is doing in the Pentecostal/newer Churches. We are excited about the relationship that ECI has built in the past year with Wild Goose Publishing, a Pentecostal ministry led by Bernard Harris from Bray.

Together ECI and Wild Goose have just published a revised version of St. Patrick’s Confession. We have called it the St. Patrick’s Testimony Pamphlet.  See here. In researching for this we discovered that Patrick quoted all or part of 70 different Scripture verses/passages in his relatively short Confession which is actually his Testimony. Praise God.  He had a high regard for Scripture which underlay everything he did.

The Key changes are:
1. Changed the word Confession to Testimony
2. Have a brief Introduction which includes six characteristics of the Irish Celtic Church.
3. Put in sub heading: “A Foundational Inspiration of the Irish Celtic Church”
4. Referenced the 70 Scripture passages and list them near the end. 
5. The Pamphlet opens up to being a beautifully designed Poster with the words of St. Patrick’s Breastplate.
6. Added a Prayer for people to invite Jesus into their lives as Lord and Saviour.

Our Prayer is that this initiative will contribute to redeeming Irish Celtic Christianity, inspire us to give a priority to evangelism and foster Christian unity as Jesus prayed for in John 17.  It is wonderful that St. Patrick, being pre Reformation, is potentially a wonderful uniting figure in Christianity in Ireland.

Please pray for the Lord’s anointing on this pamphlet. The cost is 100 pamphlets for €50 plus postage. To order please send an email to  Already one Parish Priest in Co. Meath has placed an order for 500 pamphlets and a lady in Hawaii ordered 100.